Thursday, August 21, 2008

Trouble with Technology

One of my very first experiences with technology in my professional life, wasn't so great. In fact, I got in pretty big trouble. I was young. Just 22. I was ....stupid.

You know those chain e-mails you get. Well I had gotten one from someone about how teachers should get paid babysitting wages. If we were we'd be paid pretty well. I liked it so much, I thought the whole world should see it. So, I accessed (legally) a database of and ESU's e-mail lists. I started sending it out to entire school's e-mail addresses.

It wasn't long before my principal got called into my principals office. Apparently I had clogged up entire servers with my mass e-mailing. She'd gotten calls from the superintendent of another school.

Thank goodness I was a good teacher or I'm sure I would have been fired immediately. Good thing this was before internet use policies (at least for that district). Sometimes I wonder if I caused districts to start writing internet use policies!

I apologized to my principal and sent an e-mail apology to the superintendent that had called and complained. From that day on, I rarely read a chain e-mail and never send one. I also have never complained about teacher salaries since then either!

It just seems weird that now, I'm in the place that I am, dedicating a whole blog to my thoughts about the uses of technology only 10 years later.

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