Thursday, August 7, 2008

Connected/Disconnected World

Technology has created a world that is, in some ways, connected more. You can virtually visit almost anywhere in the world with technology. I don’t go to the store. I shop online. Our students will be engulfed in this type of connection with the world. Alan November (1997) states that we must focus, "On how a communication network can prepare our students to live in an interconnected global economy” (p. 56). We must teach them how to effectively be connected to the world. In other ways our world has become less connected, especially in the way in which we communicate with others. I don’t use the phone. I instant message. I don’t write letters. I e-mail. We need to also prepare our students on how to operate in the world of disconnect appropriately and efficiently.

November, A. (1997). Magic Links--Changing the Focus of Technology Planning. Learning and Leading with Technology. 24(8), 54-56.

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