Tuesday, August 12, 2008

10 Web Tools I Couldn't Live Without

1. e-mail
I am an e-mail junky. If I can e-mail you, don't expect me to call you.

2. Jott
This is a new tool I learned and now I can't live without it. As a person who constantly e-mails myself when I need a reminder it has become a tool for when I need a reminder and am not by a computer. Frequently I use it when I'm driving. That's when I seem to remember things. All I have to do is make a quick call and it will e-mail me the message.

3. Miro
This tool is also a new one from me, but has become a time/life saver. Since youtube is blocked in our school, sometimes I need a video from there to show/use with students. This allows me to download any video on earth and then take it to my school to use. LOVE IT!

4. Flikr
I have taken literally thousands of photos. I'm needing to share them with others to use. Flikr is the best way to do that. All my pics couldn't fit onto a CD and I don't want to buy a gazillion flash drives, so this meets my needs totally!

5. Blogger
I have 6 blogs. I personally like to write my thoughts and ideas down. I have this blog (my professional blog). I have a blog about my past, a blog about my present, and 3 blogs for my 3 children. I don't really think many people read my blogs, but it really is for my thoughts, my ideas. Its all for me.

6. del.icio.us
del.icio.us is a bookmarking site. It's supposed to be a "social bookmarking" site. I don't think anyone seems to care about the sites I have bookmarked, but I do go and look what my "friends" have bookmarked and I "steal" sites from them. What I do value the most about del.icio.us is that I work on multiple computers. 3 for sure. Sometimes more. It is nice to be able to access all of my bookmarks no matter what computer I'm working on.

7. Twitter
Twitter is a microblog and I love it. Most posts aren't really "needed" but at least once a day someone posts some info about some tool or teaching concept that I really need. Its also a good place to ask quick questions and get some advice.

8. Popurls
Once a day I go and look at the popurls site. This site shows me the most visited sites of the day. I can catch up on new things out there. In a world where millions of new things are created every day I need help finding what I really need to know. Popurls help me filter.

9. Google
I love google docs. I love the ability to collaborate on projects. My husband and I have used this a great deal to communicate and create things together. I have yet to collaborate with my staff, but I collaborate with myself. I love my gmail. I love my iGoogle. I love my Google Reader. I love Google!

10. Net News Wire.
I'm new to RSS feeds. I was a constant webpage visiter. Now I can just subscribe and Net News Wire will let me know when things have been added. It's a great time saver for me.

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