Thursday, August 21, 2008

Technology and the Faceless World

I believe technology has created a faceless world. For example, I e-mail someone 4 times in one day, but couldn't pick them out in a line up. Never seen them before in my life. Have no idea who they are.

I call our help desk and talk to Jon, Kara, Sven, etc. on a regular basis and don't even know what they look like. Technology is great! I couldn't live without it, but I'm thinking that an advancement needs to be made to make a physical connection. An e-mail that has a picture with the signature line. A photo on the screen of the phone of the person you are talking to.

I'm a people person, I'm not asking to know their life story, I'd just like to know what they look like. One of these people could be my neighbor and I wouldn't even know it. I could pass them in the store without a 2nd glance.

You know what would be nice, to meet these people at one of our meetings "face to face" so we can make the world we work/live in just a little less faceless!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Absolutely. This is starting to happen, too. It's sad that it hasn't reached critical mass yet. In 1996, at UNL, their NeXT system had the picture of the sender in the email. It's really easy to do technically. In fact, you could implement it fairly easily over an Outlook / Exchange system if that is what you are using. We've started doing this at work -- we have some plugins that can show you the photo of the sender in outlook, and also one that shows the photo of everyone on the to/cc lines. It's been very helpful. It, of course, requires that you have a database of photos, which also isn't too difficult to do. It does require time to set up, though, and even in 2004, I thought it should have been out of the box behavior by several years.