Monday, September 29, 2008

Sounds of a Computer Lab

What sounds come out of my computer lab?


In my K-5 Computer Lab it is exciting to hear that I can still amaze students with all the things that a computer/computer application can do.

It's exciting to hear students excited that they can create what they often believe only an adult can create.

It's exciting to teach them things their parents do/don't use and the power they seem to feel at having this knowledge equal, or sometimes above, what their parents know.

As a teacher I have always had high expectations for my students (inside and outside of the computer lab setting). I find that they can do it and why set the expectations low if they can accomplish so much more. If I set my expectations high and they don't quite get there, it's okay, but that rarely happens. Perhaps that has a lot to do with my personality. I have high expectations for myself.

I'm proud of what my students can do. Hopefully what I teach them will be valuable. Hopefully they will remember. Hopefully I set them up for success after 5th grade.

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