Friday, September 26, 2008

The Forwarded Message

I, like most people I know, hate forwarded messages. I rarely read them. Most go directly to my trash can. I have not found anyone that likes them, so it amazes me the amount I get on a daily basis.

However, if you send me a forward message, I will read your very first one. If it is a good one, I will read the second one you send me. But if you ever send me one of those chain mail types or one that I really don't have time to read, then you go into my "do not read" category.

I have only a very select few people who I will read their forwarded messages. But those on my "read" list are very selective on what they send. I know that what they send me will make me laugh.

So this is blog post goes out to those selective forwarders. You're the best!

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