Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Comic Life Ideas

1. Cereal Box Biography
2. All about me pages
3. Dinosaur Fact Sheet
4. What I did this summer
5. Story of an Explorer
6. State Report
7. Space/Solar System Report
8. Character from literature facts sheet
9. Characters, Setting, Plot, etc. visual representation.
10. 8 of me. Have students use template R and have students put in 8 pictures of them (perhaps each different having been modified by an outside program or they can make them 8 different ways inside of Comic Life) Then they can add captions about themselves.
11. Make a comic with characters, setting and plots. Take photos of students acting out the different scenes.
12. from twitter: j_allen "One of our industrial tech teachers used Comic Life for students to create safety posters."
13. Poetry about a picture
14. Parts of speech describing the picture (nous, verbs, adjectives, etc.)
15. Fractured Fairy Tales
16 From twitter lllong "One of our foreign language teachers uses Comic Life for vocab"
17. From twitter llong "5th graders used it in their Diseases unit in science - good fun!"
18. From Facebook: Diane Marie Willadsen: "We created a state symbol page. Students went out and captured pictures then added labels."
19. From Facebook Diane Willadsen: "At the end of the year, students created a memory page using pictures of classmates then adding labels saying what they were good at in school."
20. Others? Please comment to contribute to the list!

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